Text of Corzine’s Budget Address Re: Education

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There are certain parts of our government’s work that we must sustain. In New Jersey, we recognize the importance of our children, they are our bright hope for the future. To that purpose, in this budget, we have increased, rather than cut, classroom funding for K-12 education. And with the federal government’s help, we’re giving our children a jump-start on a lifetime of learning.

This budget funds Pre-K education for 50,000 kids – an important down payment on our commitment to universal early childhood education. Our increase in classroom funding allows the state to press ahead with a new formula for school aid that is rooted in educational needs and fairness — not zip codes. Our formula recognizes that half of all “at-risk” children live outside of Abbott districts. The state’s school aid allows communities, rich and poor, urban and suburban, to hire talented educators who fire up our children’s minds and imaginations, because here in New Jersey we believe that every child has a right to be inspired and challenged every day in schools that are among the world’s best. School aid is just one reflection of the value we have placed on learning.

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(Full text here at PolitickerNJ)

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