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New Jersey’s “Private Public Schools”

Today’s New York Times features a report just out from the Fordham Institute that surveys public schools that serve no poor students, and New Jersey is the worst offender: “about one-quarter of New Jersey’s white and Asian students attended the 402 wealthy schools, compared with 2 percent of black students and 3 percent of Hispanic students.” Comments Derrell Bradford of E3, “What I find very frustrating is that this state masquerades as one where integration by race and economic opportunity are important. When you look at this study, you realize the reality is 180 degrees away from that.”

One solution? Expanding our Interdistrict School Choice program, now sitting before the Legislature. Another? Expanding charter schools that serve more than one district so that students in both wealthy and impoverished communities can choose to be educated in an integrated and diverse environment.

Laura Waters

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