That’s the name of the hottest new Facebook group,
with 14,000 fans yesterday and 20,000 this morning. From its mission statement:
Join this group and help tell Trenton that they are out of touch with reality. Teachers are already sorely underpaid – a pay freeze is UNACCEPTABLE. And his general hostility toward education is shameful. There IS a fiscal crisis in New Jersey – but assailing an already underpaid and famously undervalued profession is not a solution.
The goal appears to be a massive rally in Trenton at the State Capital Building on Friday, March 5th, from 9am-4pm. That’s a school day, and there are several comments from responsible educators suggesting a weekend rally, but the organizers appear undeterred: “If elected officials want to hurt or impair the progress of our children, their political careers in New Jersey are in jeopardy.”
Other tidbits:
“Christie is a disciple of Karl Rove – the chief architect of the George W. Bush administration. He is governor today because Rove picked him to run against Corzine.”
“Join this group and help tell Trenton that they are out of touch with reality. Teachers are already sorely underpaid – a pay freeze is UNACCEPTABLE.”
“The Governor is supposed to work for us – let’s show that he is not doing the will of the people. Instead, he is following his personal fiscal philosophy – one that is easily debunked!”
“Christie has stated that his intention to increase the number of charter schools in cities” and “Christie supports merit pay for teachers.”
“John Locke said and Thomas Jefferson wrote and enforced the following: If the government does not protect the people’s rights of life, liberty, and property, the people can rise up and take charge.”
Peace on.
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