With only 16 out of almost 600 local teachers’ unions agreeing to salary give-backs, New Jersey School Boards Association has just issued a sample resolution i
ntended for local school boards to call upon NJEA to “reopen contracts to discuss wage freezes.” The resolution also asks “NJ legislators and state-level policymakers to:
Cool move by NJSBA, and a sign of the times that the organization has found its moxie and is willing to irritate NJEA’s leadership. The last item, suspending a vote scheduled for less than two weeks hence, is a bit out there but understandable given the strong likelihood of record-breaking budget defeats on April 20th.
This is a statement by Paula White, Executive Director of JerseyCAN, on the New Jersey…
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This is a press release from the Governor's Office. In related news, one in five…
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What incentive does a board have to offer any increase?
No incentive: just past practice and the nature of collective bargaining in NJ.