Both opponents of the Opportunity Scholarship Act (NJEA, ACLU, Education Law Center) and proponents (Education for Everyone), which would use private donations for tuition in exchange for tax breaks to private companies, are getting revved up for battle.
Here’s three 30-second youtube videos from E3’s “School Choice is Your Choice” campaign:” Fantasia Barrino, Mayor Cory Booker, and Terrence J. And in the other corner of the ring we have the NO Vouchers NJ new facebook group, announced in a press release from Education Law Center, only 46 members but no doubt poised for growth. In the bizarre political alignments that appear de rigeur in the education reform world, the “No Vouchers” facebook group seems to be administrated by Deborah Jacobs,
executive director of the ACLU of New Jersey
, whom is also quoted on the left-leaning Blue Jersey website: “I urge people weighing this issue to look at the Education Law Center’s analysis to learn more about the real-world implications of vouchers.”
Head spinning yet? We feel like the little girl Regan in “The Exorcist” over here.
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