The NJ DOE has awarded $45.3 million in federal grants to 12 of our worst schools. These schools won the money by agreeing to choosing a new model to overhaul their system: 7 chose “transformational” (replacing principals), 4 chose “turnaround” (replacing principal and at least 50% of the staff), and one, Newark’s Renaissance Academy, chose the most radical, the “restart,” which will divide the alternative school into 14 small programs in two independent schools. Here’s
the full list.
How desperate are these schools for reform? The Courier-Post reports that at Cramer Elementary School in Camden, which received $2.8 million for a “turnaround,” nine out of ten 3d graders tested below proficiency in NJ ASK tests, and 82% failed to meet proficiency in math.
This is a statement by Paula White, Executive Director of JerseyCAN, on the New Jersey…
This is a press release. Earlier today, Gov. Phil Murphy signed a bill to eliminate…
Today Gov. Phil Murphy signed Senate Bill 896, which prohibits the New Jersey Department of…
The 74 conducted a study of the relative learning loss in Democratic (Blue) and Republican (Red) states and…
In October 2020 Newark Superintendent Roger Leon announced with great fanfare the opening of district’s…
This is a press release from the Governor's Office. In related news, one in five…