Poll of the Day

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From Time Magazine, hat tip Flypaper:

Percentage of respondents who think public education is America is “in a crisis”: 67%
Percentage of respondents who think that we can improve student performance: 90%
Percentage of respondents who think teachers are underpaid: 61%
Percentage who think that teachers’ evaluations should be based on standardized tests: 64%
Percentage who oppose tenure: 66%
Percentage who support merit pay: 71%
Percentage who believe that “Teachers unions help make schools better”: 35%

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1 Comment

  • vulgate, September 13, 2010 @ 3:35 pm Reply

    The Power of Propaganda proven once again! We live in a military state where we must believe the talking heads and those who would kill all critical skills and skepticism. WHAT'S IMPORTANT ARE THE TESTS!

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