Quote of the Day

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How many in Newark know that our principal contracts only call for 29 [work] hours per week?We’re going to have a massive community organizing effort between now and the end of the year. It is not a Newark standard that only 54 percent of kids will graduate [high school].

Mayor Cory Booker in today’s Record. Booker also announced that KIPP and Team Academies, two successful charter operators in Newark, will expand to educate 1/4 of Newark’s 42,000 students.

Update (from a wry reader): “This explains how Ras Baraka can also serve on council…”

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  • RH, September 29, 2010 @ 9:39 pm Reply

    KIPP and TEAM are the same thing. I think he means North Star and KIPP/TEAM.

  • NJ Left Behind, September 29, 2010 @ 11:57 pm Reply

    I'm sure you're right, RH.

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