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Education Effectiveness Panel Named

Gov. Christie has announced the nine members of the new Education Effectiveness Task Force. Chair is Brian Zychowsky, Superintendent of Schools in North Brunswick Township. Members are Derrell Bradford, Executive Director and Director of Communications for Excellent Education for Everyone (E3); Jesse Rector, Clinton Hill Campus President of North Star Academy Charter School; Ross Danis, Associate Dean of Education at Drew University; Donna Chiera, an Executive of the American Federation of Teachers and Special Education Resource Teacher; Rafael Fajardo, former President of the Elizabeth Board of Education; Rev. Edwin Leahy, Headmaster of St. Benedict’s Prep in Newark; Jane Cosco, retired teacher and Director of Operation Goody Bag; and PeggySue Juliano, Executive Board Member of the Lacy Township High School PTA.

According to the press release, the panel is will present by March 1st a recommendation for a “fair and transparent system of educator evaluations that centers on student learning and achievement. The recommendations must center on a fair and transparent system of educator evaluations that fairly weigh measuring student achievement and utilizing demonstrated practices of effective teachers and leaders.”

Laura Waters

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  • While there is actually a vigorous national discussion underway regarding the pros and cons and possible methodology of a teacher evaluation system, you wouldn't know it from the composition of this task force.

    Looks like another in a growing series of efforts to put an official imprimatur on pre-ordained conclusions.

    Exclusion of the NJEA is no surprise, but come on, Gov, you couldn't find even one SITTING board member--heaven forbid, from a suburban district--for this panel?


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