NJ NAEP Scores Out

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The National Assessment of Education Progress has released results of the new 12th grade reading and math tests. According to the NJ DOE press release, our kids did well in math and less so in reading:

Thirty-nine percent of New Jersey’s students were proficient or above in reading, compared with 37 percent nationally. “Proficient” represents solid academic performance at, or above, grade level. Seventy-four percent of New Jersey’s students had at least basic skills in reading, compared with 73 percent nationally. “Basic” scores show partial mastery of skills that are fundamental for proficient work at grade level, according to NAEP’s scoring scale.

In math, 31 percent of New Jersey’s students were proficient or above, compared with a national average of 25 percent. About 67 percent of New Jersey’s students had acquired at least basic scores in math, compared with 63 percent nationally.

The math report is here and the reading report is here.

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