Quote of the Day

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Liam Julian at Fordham’s Flypaper blog considers Gov. Christie’s comment during his State of the State speech that “teaching can no longer be the only profession where you have no rewards for excellence and no consequences for failure to perform.” Says Julian,

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I get it. Christie is a politician, and making broad, charged statements is what politicians do (when they aren’t making narrow, vapid ones). But obviously teaching isn’t the only profession in which workers are promoted and receive salary raises based on time served rather than excellence demonstrated, in which laggards are perennially tolerated. Are the bureaucrats at the New Jersey Department of Education judged by their performance?

The Rhee Coterie, of which Christie is a seminal part, is unsettling—education reform zealots on parade. One wishes this crew would be less abrasive, less Manichean. They are currently the best public-relations tool the teachers’ unions have.

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1 Comment

  • Ed Erewhon, January 18, 2011 @ 7:09 pm Reply

    Chancellor Christie has created a “crystal night” by attacking educators, unions, and the poor. His next step will be his brand of holocost with these as his victims. Instead of solving the problem he scapegoats groups. Is there no end to the Hitlers, Mussolinis, the Maos and the endless trail of dictators who create the big lie for their own personal agenda and control.
    Instead of spending $24,000 a student for a failed education in inner city public schools he will spend $9,000 a pupil for the same result but from charter schools.
    He is a lier in every way. Read Mulshine in the Star Ledger
    for a documentation of his lies.

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