Diane Ravitch has 12,154 Twitter Followers

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Jay P. Greene comments on Diane Ravitch’s twitter-mania: in one hour she sent out 14 tweets. In fact, her ADTD (attention deficit twitter disorder?) has inspired a fan to send out tweets under the name “Old Diane Ravitch.” These are direct quotations from her earlier writings. Some samples for your amusement on this Election Day:

  • I object to the practice of assigning new teachers to troubled schools, often as a result of union seniority rules.
  • Every classroom should have a well-educated, knowledgeable teacher. We are far from that goal today.
  • @m_rhee The system we have serves adults, not children. Let’s reverse that formula.
  • The public school system would be strengthened by the ability to shut down bad schools.
  • It is unjust there is no realistic way to force the closure of schools that students and parents would abandon if they could.
  • Without testing, there is no consistent way to measure success or failure.
  • There is a tendency to rationalize poor performance by implying that poverty equals destiny and so no one is to blame for failure.
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