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Quote of the Day

Ed. Commissioner Chris Cerf on a bill that would subject all proposed charter schools to a public vote:

Cerf reiterated his longstanding opposition to allowing voters in a school district to decide whether or not to approve a charter school, even though a bill that would require just that passed an Assembly committee last week.

“I’ve never met the situation where monopolists, given the chance to vote for competition would do that, ever,” Cerf said. “The people who tend to be good at organizing people to vote would be against mucking around with the current system.”

Laura Waters

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  • “I’ve never met the situation where monopolists, given the chance to vote for competition would do that, ever,” Cerf said.

    Right, Chris. So now you're going to restrict charter approvals to a handful of charter boosters while excluding those who will pay the freight?

    You have an interesting take on democracy, sir.

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