Interdistrict Public School Choice Program Update

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Good news on NJ’s Interdistrict Public School Choice Program! According to a press release from the NJ DOE, participation next year is projected to increase by about 1,200 kids. IPSCP allows local districts to allot seats to non-resident students in neighboring districts. Sending districts pay tuition and bussing.

According to the DOE, “student enrollment in the program has tripled over the past three years to a projected 3,356 students in 73 districts in 2012-13. To support the continued growth of the program, Governor Christie has dedicated an additional $14.2 million for the Interdistrict School Choice program in the FY 2013 state budget, as part of a $212.5 million increase in K-12 state aid and a total of $7.8 billion in K-12 formula aid – the most in New Jersey history. In the current 2011-12 school year, there are 2,131 participating students in 71 districts.”

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