NJ Spotlight has a scoop today:
the online paper filed an Open Public Records Request with the State and received Newark Superintendent Cami Anderson’s contract. Here’s the contract and here’s the accompanying story.
Dr. Anderson gets $247,000 for three years, plus merit pay. For example, the contract specifies that she will receive a 3.3% bonus (about $6K) if, through her leadership, the district attains any of the following benchmarks:
• The percent of Newark high school students scoring proficient or better on either the math or language sections of the High School Proficiency Assessment rises 3 percent.
• The percent of all students grades 3-8 who are not proficient in language arts drops 2 percent and/or the average language arts score increases.
• The percent of all students grades 3-8 who are not proficient in math drops 2 percent and/or the average math score increases.