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Quote of the Day

In a Letter to the Editor of the New York Times, Jeanne Allen, President of the Center for Education Reform, notes that an article entitled “Public MoneyFinds Back Door to Private Schools” doesn’t “mention facts and data showing that more choices in education lead to increased student achievement without doing harm to traditional public schools.” She continues,

School choice programs increase student achievement and graduation rates, while costing only one-quarter of the money per child that conventional public schools do. Scholarships and tax-credit programs stimulate healthy competition that yields dramatic improvement in achievement among students of every income level.

Contrary to the article, choice programs are embraced by the largest and most diverse coalition in recent history — a coalition that includes Republican and Democratic legislators, civil rights leaders, business leaders, local officials and educators. Most important, it includes parents who want and deserve the power to choose the best school for their child.

Laura Waters

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  • Is Ms. Allen aware that the direction of public funds to private enterprise is unconstitutional in NJ?

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