In other school board corruption news, the Star-Ledger reports that an Elizabeth School Board member, Michaelle Aristote is not actually a resident of Elizabeth. School board members are required to reside in the city they serve, and Aristote claimed to have lived there for three years. Or not. From the Ledger:
[V]oting records show she voted in Roselle as recently as June 2011. That suggests she either voted in a community in which she didn’t live or didn’t meet the residency requirement when she was appointed to the Elizabeth Board of Education.
Outside her Elm Street home on Sunday, Aristote fell silent when asked to explain the discrepancy. She packed up her reading materials, then rose from her seat.
“Okay,” she said.
Pressed again for an explanation, she replied: “You have your information. Alright?”
Elizabeth’s School Board has seen some hard times. Last year former President Marie Munn was indicted for lying on a free lunch application to secure free lunch for her kids, even though she is employed full-time as a human resources administrator for New Jersey Organ and Tissue Sharing Network and her husband works for the New York Times; he’s also owner and head coach of a semi-pro football team. (See coverage here