New Jersey School Boards Association just put out a short analysis of the Christie Administration’s 2013 Educational Adequacy Report, which, according to the 2008 School Funding Reform Act, must include specific amounts of money needed to “adequately” educate a child for one year. (Here’s
my coverage at Newsworks.) From NJSBA:
Last month’s Educational Adequacy Report recommends an increase of $454 in the base per-pupil amount. At-risk weights reflect a reduction consistent with factors used for the current year; limited English proficiency weights are reduced from 0.47 to 0.46, 0.03 less than the weight factor included in the original SFRA law. Transportation aid components increase roughly $11 per pupil for 2014. The general special education amount increases by approximately $400 per pupil while the speech-only amount increases by $34; extraordinary aid thresholds rise by $5,000 for in-district placements as well as other public and private placements.
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