What Would NJ Schools Lose from Sequestration?

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According to the Courier-Post, this is the list of education cut if the U.S. Congress fails to come to a budget agreement by Friday:

• About $11.7 million in funding for primary and secondary education, putting about 160 teacher and aide jobs at risk.  

• About $17 million in funds for about 210 teachers, aides, and staff who help children with disabilities.  

• Aid to help about 1,480 low-income students finance the costs of college as well as work-study jobs for about 650 students.  

• Money for Head Start and Early Head Start services for about 1,300 children.

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1 Comment

  • Mike Carter, March 19, 2013 @ 6:09 pm Reply

    This really is a shame, considering that there are so many people that are looking for jobs in NJ, and the teaching ones are the ones that should be filled. One of my friends works with children with disabilities and he is going to feel the affect of these cuts. I just hope that things don't have to get worse from here.

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