According to the Star-Ledger, a school board meeting in Monroe Township got “heated” when Superintendent Kenneth Hamilton “launched an angry tirade” against former board member Mark Klein, who had challenged Hamilton’s leadership in lobbying for state aid. Here’s the Superintendent’s remarks after Klein made disparaging remarks at a board meeting:
“Last month I sat here and listened to you pontificate when you knew nothing,” Hamilton yells. “You know good and well what this administration has done to get more funding from the state. You’ve seen every letter. You’ve heard every phone call. You do nothing but stand there at that microphone and pontificate, and you don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re an empty can making a lot of noise, and I’m sick of it. I’m sick and tired of it.”
The argument continues, with Klein calling for Hamilton to quit.
“You want me to talk about ethics, also?” Klein says.
“Yeah, I want to talk about ethics,” Hamilton responds. “Bring it.”
The exchange can now be viewed on youtube
. Current board members have requested a police presence at their next meeting, although it’s unclear whether that’s to protect them from Klein or Hamilton.