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QOD: NJ Black Ministers’ Leader Explains His Christie Endorsement

Bishop Reginald Jackson explains why he is endorsing Chris Christie for governor  instead of Senator Barbara Buono:

“Why Chris Christie over Sen. Barbara Buono, who I have known for many years, and who is a wonderful, warm and genuine person, and who has given many years of service to this state? Why not again endorse a personal friend? The answer can be summed up in one word,” said Jackson, adding, “Education.”

(Or, more specifically, the NJ State Legislature’s refusal to include $2 million in the state budget for a pilot school voucher program.)

More generally, continues Bishop Jackson, ““My friend, the Democratic nominee, genuinely does not understand the harm failing schools wreaks on our children, families and communities.She said in 2011, ‘the governor talks about 200 failing schools. But in the state of New Jersey there are 2,485 public schools. I don’t think that’s a bad percentage.’”

Laura Waters

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  • I guess Bishop Jackson has somehow separated schools from the context of the overall health of their local communities. Hard to see how the Gov has helped the bigger picture.

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