QOD: Christie is the “Ultimate RINO”

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Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo on Christie’s Win:

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Which brings us to Chris Christie. This was a big night for Christie. But it’s less clear to me whether it was a big night in New Jersey for the GOP. In almost any other context than a high margin winner that mainstream Republicans want to rally around, Christie is the ultimate RINO. He’s basically the kind of relatively moderate conservative who could have crossover appeal in a national election if Republicans allowed those people to run national elections. Alas, they do not.

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1 Comment

  • kallikak, November 6, 2013 @ 11:47 pm Reply

    So the Governor is a “kind of relatively moderate conservative”?

    Tell that to advocates for the environment, same-sex marriage, women's health care and the middle-class generally(among other issues).

    The national Punditocracy is clueless on this guy.

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