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NJ GOP Senators Need to Up Their Standards for Common Core Information

Speaking of Carolee Adams, president of the NJ chapter of the Eagle Forum (see post below), twelve NJ Republican senators, reports The Record, asked Ed. Comm. Chris Cerf for “more details” on the Common Core. These questions were instigated by a letter from NJ Eagle Forum President Carolee Adams whom the GOP has chosen, apparently, for their guru on public education and all things Common Core. Adams sent a letter to Sen. Joe Pennacchio informing him that the CC is “dumb[ing] down our kids to a lower dominator.” (In fact, Senator, the Common Core raises standards from the lower bar of the NJ’s pre-CC curriculum.)

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Here’s an educational pearls from the Eagle Forum’s founder, Phyllis Schafly, whom Adams reports to: “Abolishing the Department of Education was one of Ronald Reagan’s campaign promises when he ran for President in 1980. Fulfilling that promise is long overdue, and the time to do it is now…The goal [in public schools] is clearly to infuse) the gay/lesbian propaganda into every level of school: every grade K through 12, every academic subject, and every school and social activity. ”

And here’s some items from the Eagle Forum’s agenda:

  • We oppose all encroachments against American sovereignty through United Nations treaties or conferences that try to impose global taxes, gun registration, energy restrictions, feminist goals, or regulation on our use of oceans.
  • We support the sanctity of human life as a gift from our Creator, as proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence.
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  • We support congressional action to curb the Imperial Judiciary by refusing to confirm activist judges and by withdrawing jurisdiction from the federal courts over areas where we don�t trust them, such as the Pledge of Allegiance, the Ten Commandments, the Boy Scouts, and the definition of marriage.
  • We support constitutional amendments and federal and state legislation to protect the institution of marriage and the equally important roles of father and mother.We honor the fulltime homemaker and her rights in joint income tax returns.
  • We oppose the feminist goals of stereotyping men as a constant danger to women, while at the same time pushing women into military combat against foreign enemies.
  • Eagle Forum successfully led the ten-year battle to defeat the misnamed Equal Rights Amendment with its hidden agenda of tax-funded abortions and same-sex marriages.
  • We oppose the feminist goal of federally financed and regulated daycare.

Maybe NJ Republicans need to raise their standards for information.

Laura Waters

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