Christie’s Common Core Convictions Could Cost Him the Presidency

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 My column today at WHYY Newsworks is about why I think that Christie can’t win the 2016 GOP presidential nomination.

Last month Chris Christie barely broke a sweat trouncing lightweight Barbara Buono in New Jersey’s gubernatorial election. According to conventional wisdom, the next item on his menu for global domination is winning the 2016 Republican nomination for president.

The speculation by pundits is split on Christie’s chances for victory. “U.S. Conservative Politics” says “Christie is probably the closest thing there is a sure bet to a presidential contender as there is.” Other prophets –particularly hopefuls like Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and the Ricks (Perry and Santorum) — point to way-too-blue chinks in the Governor’s armor. On ABC’s This Week, Perry sniped, “Is a conservative in New Jersey a conservative in the rest of the country?” During a Fox News interview Rand Paul allowed that Christie may be a conservative, but only “if you have a very loose definition of the term.”

Read the rest here.

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