L.A. Judge Says that Seniority-Based Job Security is Unconstitutional

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From KPCC:

A Los Angeles Superior Court judge on Tuesday called California’s teacher job protections illegal, issuing a tentative ruling striking down three state laws that he said harm children’s ability to get an adequate education and granting an enormous win to the Silicon Valley entrepreneur who bankrolled the fight.

“All Challenged Statutes are found unconstitutional…” Judge Rolf Treu wrote. “Substantial evidence presented makes it clear to this court that the Challenged Statutes disproportionately affect poor and/or minority students.”

In his 16-page ruling in Vergara v. California, Treu said that current laws granting teacher tenure after two years, mandating layoffs by seniority rather than effectiveness, and a complicated teacher firing process keep ineffective teachers on the job.

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