QOD: NJEA’s Spending Continues to “Astound”

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From NJ Spotlight:

The political spending by the New Jersey Education Association is no secret anymore, with the latest numbers — in the tens of millions — continuing to astound.

A new report by the state’s election finance commission tallied more than $57 million spent by the teachers union on political campaigns and lobbying in the past decade and a half — more than double its nearest rival.

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  • kallikak, September 11, 2014 @ 2:44 pm Reply

    Gee, that's only 28.5% of what Bill Gates spent over a much shorter interval just to get the CCSS he wanted.

    Why aren't you astounded and/or mortified over that?

  • NJ Left Behind, September 12, 2014 @ 2:34 pm Reply

    Well, in part because NJEA's spending comes from teacher salaries via mandated union dues via public tax dollars. Bill Gates, on the other hand, is a philanthropist.

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