Categories: General

NEA’s Financial Status

The indefatigable Mike Antonucci at the Education Intelligence Agency has a spreadsheet of the 2012-2013 financial status of all NEA affiliates.  For you Jerseyites, NJEA shows a membership of 200,314,  an increase of about 5,000 members over the previous year. NJEA’s  total revenue was $126.5 million, a gain of about $2.7 million. Its accounts show a surplus of $3.2 million and net assets of $12 million.

Here’s Mike’s take aways:

  • Even without accounting for the income of some 13,000 local affiliates, NEA took in almost $1.6 billion in dues and other income.
  • Revenue was down in most affiliates [with NJEA an exception] due to falling membership, but many were able to run significant budget surpluses by reducing expenditures – mostly personnel costs.
  • 18 affiliates operated in the red during the 2012-2-13 school year.
  • Despite various forms of staff pension relief, nine affiliates have negative net worth.

Laura Waters

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