Camden Public Schools Update: District Will Expand Summer Programs

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In response to concerns about summer retention – educationally-disadvantaged children lose up to three months of reading and math proficiency each summer – Camden Public Schools has a new initiative to enroll more than 2,000 children, ages 3-18,  in summer enrichment programs. Curricula will be adapted for bilingual students, English Language Learners, high school students, and students with Individual Education Plans. Free breakfast and lunch is included for students in Camp Achieve, a five-week, half-day program for kids in grades K-8

From the press release:

“Summer shouldn’t be synonymous with a stoppage in student learning, and I’m excited to offer students and families a wide range of enriching activities during the summer months,” [Camden Superintendent Paymon] Rouhanifard said. “I appreciate our partners coming forth with complementary offerings, and I strongly encourage parents to sign their children up to participate in any and all available opportunities.”

In addition to offering the Camp Achieve program, District schools across the City will play host to a wide range of summer education and enrichment programs led by community partners, including Rowan University, Urban Promise, EducationWorks, and the Center for Aquatic Sciences. Students from any school in Camden are invited to participate in this exciting range of opportunities. A full list of partner programs is listed below.  

“We look forward to partnering with the school District again this summer to give Camden students the chance to learn hands on about the natural world,” Cheronda Frazier, Director of Summer Programming for the Center for Aquatic Sciences. “Whether we’re outside monitoring local water quality or planning a skit to excite students about the aquatic sciences, our summer programs make science fun and relevant to young people.”

The Preschool Summer Academy offers qualifying parents the opportunity to have their children participate in an extended program from 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. The District will provide payment for 100 pre-schoolers whose parents may not qualify for financial assistance through the Division of Hunan Services.

To learn more, and to register in the Pre-School Summer Program, families can go to any participating provider site or the Early Childhood Development Center at 1602 Pine Street. They can also contact Dr. Cheryl Chavis at 856-966-2000, ext. 38321. Families are strongly encouraged to register by Friday, June 12.

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