New Jersey PARCC Update

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Smooth as silk, at least compared to last year’s wrought initiation of new tests aligned with the Common Core. The Record reports today that “parents are more knowledgeable about the tests and seem to be more willing to let their children participate.”  Also, some administrators say that “fears about and objections to the test seem to have subsided.”

Midland Park Superintendent Marie Cirasella said, “to date, the district has received fewer PARCC refusal requests than at this time last year.” At Ramapo/Indian Hills high schools 25% of students opted out. Last year it was 60%.

Perhaps the best sign of the reduction in angst and turmoil over the new standardized assessments is the paucity of news coverage. Nothing on the Star-Ledger. One article (students made to sit and stare!) at the Asbury Park Press

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and an reference to “torture” by Save Our Schools-NJ’s Julia Sass Rubin. Nothing at the Press of Atlantic City. Sometimes no news is good news.

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