BREAKING: Asbury Park Schools District on Complete Lock-Down After Principal’s Tweet

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Update: All schools are now open. Asbury Park High School, the only school in the city where citizens can vote (today is Primary Day), is available for polling.

According to inside sources, Asbury Park Public Schools District has locked down all buildings after Reginald Mirthil,  the principal of Thurgood Marshall Upper Elementary School, tweeted this out this morning:

It is unclear what Mirthil’s tweet represents. He is not in any district building right now and the Asbury Park Police Department is searching for him. Last month Mirthil received enormous praise from the Asbury Park community after writing this letter denouncing the district Administration as a “crime syndicate.”

According to sources, Mirthil has an affirmative action complaint with the district. In the letter he says” I myself have been threatened.”

There is also a rumor that, of the two candiates the School Board as outgoing Superintendent Sancha Gray departs, one, who was wholy unsuitable, has dropped out. That leaves only Rashawn Adams, whom ranks as the last choice of Asbury Park staff members among the four internal candidates who applied for the position as Interim Superintendent. Currently the School Board is set to “interview” Adams tomorrow evening.

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