Help Us Serve Your Education News Needs! Three Minutes of Your Time?

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Dear readers,

When we launched New Jersey Education Report last February, we didn’t know what to expect: Were there enough education news fiends and advocates for educational equity out there to make this platform sustainable? Was there interest in the sort of commentary and analysis we offer?  Was the void we perceived in NJ education reporting truly out there or a figment of our imagination?

Now we know: You’re out there and you read us. As our reach and impact grows, we want to know more about how you find us, what you want to read more (or less!) about, and several other questions.

This is no time-suck: you can fill the whole thing out in two minutes and your feedback is immensely important to us. There’s also room in the survey for more general comments. Please take the time to answer these short questions.

We here at NJ Ed Report are taking a much-needed vacation beginning December 20, but we’ll be back Monday, January 3, rarin’ to go with news, analyses, and commentary—guided by your interests.

Here’s to a healthy, happy 2022!

Laura Waters, Managing Editor


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