Following February’s expansion denials of top-performing public charter schools, hundreds of parents and students, primarily families of color, from New Jersey’s public charter schools will be calling on Governor Phil Murphy and Acting Department of Education Commissioner Angelica Allen-McMillan to reverse these harmful decisions and support the expansion of high quality charter schools in New Jersey.
The #LetMyChildLearn campaign was launched following the New Jersey Department of Education’s denial of expansions to top performing charter schools in Newark, Trenton, Kearny, New Brunswick, and Paterson. Many of these schools operated grade spans that these expansions would have allowed the students to remain at the school throughout their educational careers. Parents and students from the charter schools’ denied expansions, as well as the New Jersey Public Charter Schools Association, will rally at the New Jersey Statehouse to urge the governor and education commissioner to reverse their decisions and keep the students at the schools they love. Members of the media are invited to attend and participate.