Young woman holding a poster against corruption. Human rights and democracy concept.
As our readers are well aware, Sunlight’s mission is to shine a light on the special-interest-domination of New Jersey’s political system, led by the most powerful special interest of them all, the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA). Sunlight has also highlighted Gov. Murphy’s strong and unbending ties
to the NJEA: the NJEA supports Murphy’s campaigns
with millions of dollars of members’ dues and Murphy shapes his policies to suit the NJEA. Quid. Pro. Quo.
But now the NJEA is basically making Sunlight’s case in its own words! In the NJEA’s most recent monthly magazine, here are some choice quotes regarding Murphy’s FY2023 budget address:
There you have it: the quid pro quo relationship between our governor and New Jersey’s most powerful special interest – all in the NJEA’s own words. While average New Jersey citizens would find such a cozy relationship concerning, it is a matter of unabashed pride for the NJEA.
As Sunlight has said many times, and now as the NJEA proudly boasts, New Jersey under Gov. Murphy: by and for the special interests.
This is a statement by Paula White, Executive Director of JerseyCAN, on the New Jersey…
This is a press release. Earlier today, Gov. Phil Murphy signed a bill to eliminate…
Today Gov. Phil Murphy signed Senate Bill 896, which prohibits the New Jersey Department of…
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This is a press release from the Governor's Office. In related news, one in five…