High School Students to Learn How to Deal with Grief and Loss Under Bramnick Bill

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New Jersey high school students would learn how to deal with grief and loss under a new bill sponsored by Senator Jon Bramnick.

“Grief is one of the most complex emotions and perhaps the hardest to learn how to understand and manage,” said Bramnick (R-21). “Instead of leaving kids to try to figure it out on their own, we’re going to ensure that our high school students are taught how to recognize and effectively cope with feelings of grief and loss.”

The new legislation, S-3330, requires school districts to provide instruction on grief as part of New Jersey Student Learning Standards in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education.

Bramnick is working on the measure with Imagine, A Center for Coping with Loss. They will hold a joint press event later this week to discuss the initiative. Stay tuned for details.

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