
How Hard Is it To Dismiss Ineffective Teachers in Newark?

Analysts at the Fordham Foundation created a rubric for gauging the difficulty of firing ineffective teachers based on these three…

8 years ago

Latino Parent Voices Are Ignored in Red Bank as NJEA Muffles Expansion Plans

Leaders of the New Jersey Education Association often profess disdain for public charter schools. But how far will they go…

8 years ago

Guest Post: Hoboken Voters Should Elect School Board Members Who Respect Parent Choice

Dear Friends,I’m writing to you, not in my capacity as President of the Board of Trustees of HoLa (Hoboken Dual…

8 years ago

Here’s Why Charter Schools Aren’t “Laboratories of Innovation”

John Holland Charter School in Paterson just announced its most recent PARCC scores for 6th graders in language arts:  68.4%…

8 years ago

What is Christie’s End-Game?

New Jersey papers are blaring Gov. Chris Christie’s declaration yesterday that he will attempt an end-run around the Legislature and…

8 years ago

N.J. Correlations Between Anti-Vaxxers and Anti-Testers

The Star-Ledger reports that a record  9,500 students in New Jersey declined vaccinations in the 2015-16 school year, according to…

8 years ago

Here’s Why New Jersey’s School Aid Formula is Broken

Today the Star-Ledger marvels over the new Phillipsburg High School building, a "sprawling 326,000-square-foot school built atop a hill off…

8 years ago

QOD: Bishop Reginald Jackson on School Choice, Legislators’ Indebtedness to NJEA, Teacher Tenure, and the Pretense of School Quality

As head of the Black Ministers Council of New Jersey, Bishop Reginald Jackson has been a powerful voice for school…

8 years ago

Diane Ravitch, Horace Mann, and the PDK Poll

Diane Ravitch is irked. The new Phi Delta Kappa (PDK) poll shows that that most Americans believe that the purpose…

9 years ago

QOD: If You Think That Charter Schools “Cream” Top Students, Look at Traditional Schools

David Osborne and Anne Osborne in US News and World Report:  online pharmacy diflucan for sale no prescription Creaming can…

9 years ago