
What De Blasio’s Charter School Hostility Means for NYC’s Schoolchildren

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio at a press conference last year on his plan to curtail expansions of…

9 years ago

Why New Jersey Still Needs Tenure Reform

New Jersey School Boards Association reports on an important case that will tell us much about how well the state's…

9 years ago

Friendly Suggestion to Mayor de Blasio re: NYC’s Uptick in Test Scores: Send a “Thank You” Note to Mike Bloomberg

Here’s what New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said upon the news, released Friday, that the percentage of students…

9 years ago

NYS Releases Student Test Scores: What Results Tell Us About Common Core, Charters, and Opt-Out

Friday afternoon New York State released this year’s student standardized assessment results. They shed light on three controversial issues that…

9 years ago

New Spotlight Column: Christie Should Veto Bill that Spends $16.7 Million a Year to Bus Lakewood Students to Jewish Day Schools

It starts here:The New Jersey Senate and Assembly recently approved a bill sponsored by Sen. Robert Singer (R-Ocean, Monmouth) that…

9 years ago

Sunday Leftovers

Amidst the Garden State finagling over the two dueling school funding plans, one offered by Gov. Christie and one offered…

9 years ago

The Tribalism of Teacher Unions

In today’s New York Times Paul Krugman, in the context of the DNC and RNC conventions, describes the difference between…

9 years ago

Are New York City School Closures Good or Bad for Kids?

Among various school improvement practices, there’s few more disruptive than closing neighborhood schools, even if those schools have been failing…

9 years ago

Those DNC Email Leaks and AFT/NEA’s Early Clinton Endorsement

I was in Philadelphia last night and although I didn’t make it to the DNC convention I felt like I…

9 years ago

Sunday Leftovers

How are  New Jersey's newly-rigorous teacher evaluations working? In Clifton, reports The Record, 97% of teachers were rated either "effective"…

9 years ago