Education Law Center continues to attack the New Jersey Department of Education's regulations that require that high school graduates demonstrate…
Here's the list: online pharmacy purchase robaxin online with best prices today in the USA Ailanthus Charter School, Franklin Township,…
The Star-Ledger is reporting on Gov. Christie's take on the state's fiscal problems, which include a cratering pension system, a…
The Sunday edition of the New York Times always has a real estate section with a column called “Living In,”…
Last month Sen. Booker gave a speech at the American Federation for Children annual meeting in D.C. Here's an excerpt,…
(Special school funding edition, plus extra long because I was in Chicago at Education Post's Blogging Summit for a few…
Here's the "BOTTOM LINE" from the-anti-accountability group New York State Allies for Public Education:A school district does NOT lose funding…
Here's a statement from the Collaborative for Student Success, which gently explains to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, erstwhile supporter of educational…
From Politico:State Senate President Stephen Sweeney said he supported standardized tests and questioned the “hysteria” surrounding PARCC, New Jersey’s latest…
Back in 2010 N.J. Governor Chris Christie "pretty much unilaterally,"reports today's N.J. Spotlight, imposed a salary cap on school superintendents:…