Dr. Diane Ravitch attacked Campbell Brown on her blog last week. That’s old news: she’s had it in for Brown…
N.J. School Boards Association reports that the Delegate Assembly voted in favor of a proposal "for the state to continue…
The Education Writers Association has a blog up today that describes the current battle over standards and assessments, one that…
Today the Star-Ledger features an op-ed by NJEA President Wendell Steinhauer who argues that “PARCC itself is a flawed assessment, and it…
From today's Daily Messenger:Congress is embroiled in an education policy fight that, while it revolves around esoteric policy details, profoundly…
Princeton High School students sure do love their Advanced Placement courses. According to New Jersey D.O.E. data, last year 97.3%…
From today's Wall Street Journal:Hoboken has reached a new benchmark: the sale of a house for $6.5 million. online pharmacy…
Today’s Trentonian online pharmacy super-kamagra for sale no prescription has an article about the “Rally for Equity" yesterday afternoon "when…
In case you missed it, read my analysis of Newark's charter parent empowerment in The 74 online pharmacy prograf over…
Speaking of N.J.'s growing acceptance of standardized tests linked to college and career-ready standards, today's Asbury Park Press reports,In the…