
A Correction to Diane Ravitch’s Criticism of Campbell Brown

Dr. Diane Ravitch attacked Campbell Brown on her blog last week. That’s old news: she’s had it in for Brown…

9 years ago

Sunday Leftovers

N.J. School Boards Association reports that the Delegate Assembly voted in favor of a proposal "for the state to continue…

9 years ago

The Astroturf Echo-Chamber of Anti-Education Reformers

The Education Writers Association has a blog up today that describes the current battle over standards and assessments, one that…

9 years ago

Response to NJEA President’s Attack on PARCC Testing

Today the Star-Ledger features an op-ed by NJEA President Wendell Steinhauer who argues that “PARCC itself is a flawed assessment, and it…

9 years ago

QOD: Chait on How Teacher Unions Are Blocking Obama’s Plan to Give More Money to Poor Schools

From today's Daily Messenger:Congress is embroiled in an education policy fight that, while it revolves around esoteric policy details, profoundly…

9 years ago

My Equity Button

Princeton High School students sure do love their Advanced Placement courses. According to New Jersey D.O.E. data, last year 97.3%…

9 years ago

Need Another Reason to Fix N.J.’s School Funding Formula? Free Pre-School in “Gold Coast” Hoboken Where Homes Sell for $6.5 Million

From today's Wall Street Journal:Hoboken has reached a new benchmark: the sale of a house for $6.5 million.  online pharmacy…

9 years ago

Sunday’s Anti-Charter School Rally in Trenton Misses The Point

Today’s Trentonian online pharmacy super-kamagra for sale no prescription has an article about the “Rally for Equity" yesterday afternoon "when…

9 years ago

Sunday Leftovers

In case you missed it, read my analysis of Newark's charter parent empowerment in The 74 online pharmacy prograf over…

9 years ago

Update to Yesterday’s Post on N.J.’s Waning Resistance to PARCC versus N.Y.’s Sustained Opposition

Speaking of N.J.'s growing acceptance of standardized tests linked to college and career-ready standards, today's Asbury Park Press reports,In the…

9 years ago