
Nine out of Ten of New Jersey’s Top High Schools Are School Choice Magnets

U.S. News and World Report just issued their annual list of America’s top 100 high schools and five of them…

9 years ago

QOD: Some Choice Words for Diane Ravitch and Her Opt-Out Minions

Charles Cole at the Huffington Post:I remember graduating being in the top 10 percentile throughout high school. I remember having…

9 years ago

Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows, But This is Still Pretty Weird

I just posted about the complexities of Newark school board politics (see below) and for proof of that check out…

9 years ago

Just How White is Opt-Out?

Opt Out Long Island is jubilantly tweeting about soaring test refusal rates on the North Fork. the peninsula on the…

9 years ago

Sunday Leftovers

Lance Izumi asks, "Are the public schools serving New Jersey’s middle-class students performing well? Lots of parents think so. They…

9 years ago

Andy Rotherham on “Campbell Brown Derangement Syndrome”

After several links to and remarks about California's Vergara ruling, Rotherham writes, online pharmacy buy lipitor online no prescription pharmacy…

9 years ago

What Bill Bennett Got Wrong and Right About New York’s Opt-Out Movement and Teacher Unions

Today at The 74 Bill Bennett suggests that the opt-out movement in New York is driven solely by  teacher union…

9 years ago

New Jersey PARCC Update

Smooth as silk, at least compared to last year's wrought initiation of new tests aligned with the Common Core. The…

9 years ago

Comparing NY and NJ’s Opt-Out Fever

New York and New Jersey are neighbors, but you’d never know it, at least judging by disparities in their anti-testing…

9 years ago

Deconstructing Hillary Clinton’s Education Reform Agenda

I’ll be honest: until I read this Newsday interview with Hillary Clinton where she said that she would opt her…

9 years ago