
N.J. Charter School Parents Lobby Legislators to Preserve and Expand School Choice

This morning, according to a press release from JerseyCAN and the New Jersey Charter Schools Association buy keflex online…

9 years ago

Sunday Leftovers

Will the new federal education law affect New Jersey's relatively new teacher tenure and evaluation reform? NJ Spotlight quotes N.J.…

9 years ago

New York’s Common Core Task Force Advises Swift Brake Application to Reform

 On Thursday morning President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act, which greatly reduces the federal role in public education…

9 years ago

QOD: Marcus Winters on the Charter School “Enrollment Gap”

In this new report that analyzes Denver's common-enrollment system (in N.J., Newark and Camden use similar systems) Winters finds that the…

9 years ago

A Response to UFT President Mike Mulgrew

Why is Michael Mulgrew in such a lather? The President of the United Federation of Teachers in New York City…

9 years ago

Matt Katz Corrects the Record on Christie and the Common Core State Standards

From WNYC, this is the first item on Katz's list of the ten times Gov. Christie lied on the campaign…

9 years ago

N.Y.C. Schools Chancellor Carmen Farina: “Every School Will Be Great”

“Today marks an unprecedented commitment to deliver for our schools that need extra support, and I know this will translate…

9 years ago

Time for @OldHillaryClinton Twitter Handle? Please, Hillary, Come Back!

Ah, Hillary. I confess that when you ran in 2008 I voted for Obama, but I’ve always admired your intelligence,…

9 years ago

Sunday Leftovers

Many news outlets covered this week's release of N.J. student PARCC scores. See the Star-Ledger, NJ Spotlight, the Asbury Park Press, and MyCentralJersey.  Bottom line: the…

9 years ago

QOD: NYS School Chief Merryl Tisch on de Blasio and Farina’s “Ridiculous” Goals for NYC’s Failing Schools

From Chalkbeat:Outgoing state Board of Regents Chancellor Merryl Tisch took a swipe at New York City’s school-improvement program Thursday, saying…

9 years ago