
On a Breach of Blog Etiquette

A funny thing happened on the way to a meaningful dialogue between an ardent champion of traditional public schools and…

9 years ago

Sunday Leftovers

Former Newark Superintendent Cami Anderson, in an interview with The74, discusses the condition of the city's school before her tenure[I]t’s…

9 years ago

Is Forty Years Long Enough to Improve a New York City School?

Chalkbeat reports on the status of 150 New York public schools, including 62 in New York City, that have been…

9 years ago

Why N.J. Still Needs Tenure Reform: Jersey City Teacher Separates Students Based on Skin Color and Keeps Job

You can’t make this stuff up.From the Star-Ledger: A tenured Jersey City elementary school teacher who was accused of separating failing…

9 years ago

QOD: Gifted, Talented, and Stranded in New York City Public Schools

In today's Wall St. Journal, Leslie Brody describes the predicament of a 4-year-old girl who "can count to 100, use…

9 years ago

Here’s Why I’m Worried about Tonight’s Presidential Debate

We’re only hours away from what will likely be a languorous Democratic debate -- no Trumpstering or Carson-solecisms to pass…

9 years ago

QOD: Camden Resident Says Parents Have a Right to School Choice

Longtime Camden resident Barbara Coscarello, a former civil servant, head of a nonprofit community development agency, and a New Jersey School…

9 years ago

Sunday Leftovers

Tom Moran at the Star-Ledger predicts that Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop won't win the governorship because he "presents himself…

9 years ago

QOD: NEA and AFT “Will Continue to Lose Battle with Public Opinion”

Campbell Brown online pharmacy no prescription pharmacy online pharmacy zoloft no prescription pharmacy responds to Democratic candidates’ compliance with…

9 years ago

Clinton Insults Minority Voters by Refusing to Discuss Education

As a life-long Democrat, I’m so disappointed in my current presidential candidates, each of whom declined an invitation from Campbell…

9 years ago