Much of the sturm und drang over higher-level standards and assessments has been provoked by a theme, often evoked by…
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One of the most powerful, progressive, and popular leaders in national politics is U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), whom many…
Senate President Steve Sweeney has an idea to cover N.J.’s $40 billion pension liability: have the federal government float us…
Remember that movie "Race to Nowhere" where students are bullwhipped by mountains of schoolwork, tests, and stress, while their teachers…
The Wall St. Journal reported yesterday that the Wisconsin Education Association has “lost more than half of its 40,000 members…
Yesterday NJ Spotlight ran my column on why N.J. suburban, middle-class high schools need to raise academic expectations for students…
Here's my new NJ Spotlight piece:Are we being over-optimistic when it comes to how well NJ’s middle-class students are being…
lana Dubin Spiegel @ilanadspiegel@educationweek 175 civil rights groups oppose high-stakes, test-based accountability #ESEA… @J4J_USA @SavOurSchoolsNJWow! 175 civil rights group…
Props to Senator Teresa Ruiz (D-Essex), who withstood pressure from NJEA and Save Our Schools-NJ and stood strong against an…