Education Law Center (ELC) is justifiably proud of what it describes as its “decades-long history…to promote fair and equitable school funding and effective school reform.”
Last week the Brookings Institute issued the Education Choice and Competition Index, which ranks 100 school districts on the “ease with which parents can exercise
In today’s New York Times, Paul Krugman opines that the current GOP presidential contenders represent the “time loop party” who preen on debate podia and spout
N.J. PARCC analyses continue to trickle in. The Star-Ledger reports that Millburn and Livingston (both on the list of rich white districts with high opt-out
Today’s NJ Spotlight online pharmacy elavil no prescription crunches the opt-out PARCC data released recently by the N.J. Department of Education. Anti-testers are irate because
The Record reports today that “PARCC refusals were highest in some of the more affluent and high-achieving districts in Bergen County.” No problem, as long
In a school district in Suffolk County, N.Y., a revolution against standards and assessments is underway. However, this is not your typical vignette of white
From the Albany Times-Union: New York teachers are suing the state over new regulations that allow superintendents to impose improvement plans on underperforming teachers without
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