Today’s Washington Examiner article, entitled “Tide Shifting Against Common Core,” is a great illustration of the failure of journalists to differentiate between the Common Core
From “The Hidden Truth: Massive Grade Inflation Conceals Underperformance in NYC Schools“: To hear Mayor Bill de Blasio tell it, New York City’s failing schools
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Today’s New York Times features a doomsday article on the demise of the PARCC assessments aligned with the Common Core State Standards in Massachusetts. In
N.J. school districts will have access to student PARCC results tomorrow morning. See the Star-Ledger, NJ Spotlight, and the Asbury Park Press. Individual districts will decide
From PoliticoPro: The closures of struggling New York City high schools yielded benefits for middle schoolers who might otherwise have enrolled there, according to a
That’s Lakewood Board of Education President Ada Gonzalez upon hearing that the bids from bussing companies to transport Orthodox Jewish children who attend private day
According to NPR, Education Commissioner Mary Ellen Elia is “hoping to contain a movement that led 20 percent of students to boycott the third-eighth grade
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