EdBuild, which describes itself as a “non-profit bringing common sense to our school funding system,” has come out strongly against an amendment to the reauthorization
Last Wednesday the U.S. House of Representatives passed an emasculated rewrite of NCLB called the Every Child Achieves Act (ECAA). To be fair, consensus is
On Saturday, after AFT President Weingarten announced that the union was endorsing Hillary Clinton, the blogosphere exploded. While Randi issued tweet after tweet buy arimidex
The N.J. Department of Education, to no one’s surprise, confirmed that the state will not make any substantive changes in the Common Core,, despite the
The New Jersey Department of Education received a bit of flack after its announcement of the first year’s results of using Student Growth Percentiles, as
NJ Spotlight looks today at this latest round of charter reviews. The state rejected six applications and approved eight in this first phase of charter
The U.S. Congress is seemingly close to reauthorizing ESEA, now called the “Every Child Achieves Act.” But the current proposal is overly deferential towards Tea
Here’s Dale Caldwell in today’s NJ Spotlight on the bill, originally sponsored in the State Assembly by Mila Jasey and Patrick Diegnan and now a Senate
FOX’s first GOP debate is a month from now and Republican presidential candidates, with the exception of Jeb Bush, can’t disavow college and career-ready standards
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