
Lakewood Public Schools Update

There’s no shortage of news from Lakewood: even the Wall Street Journal takes notice today. Of course, they're late to…

8 years ago

Follow the Money: A Guest Post from a Lakewood Resident

Once again the Lakewood Public Schools has been bailed out of their financial hole. This has become a rite of…

8 years ago

Second Item: Pro-Lakewood Guest Post

I've been tough on Lakewood this week. And so, in the interest of equal time, here is a guest post…

8 years ago

Two Other Lakewood-Related Items

Number one: the Star-Ledger reports that Tobree Mostel, the supervisor of the district's office of Chapter 192 and 193 funding  (the…

8 years ago

“Culture of Fear” in Lakewood Cheats Children of Color

The New Jersey Department of Education announced last week that it will give Lakewood Public Schools an “advance” of $8.5…

8 years ago

Lakewood Public Schools is Actually a Funding Stream for a Jewish Special Education School

Lakewood Public Schools just asked the state for a “loan” of 10 million dollars to partially bail it out of…

8 years ago

It’s Time For a State Takeover in Lakewood and Here’s Why

Anyone who has been following the Lakewood School Board’s antics over the last decade can only sigh at the most…

8 years ago

And Education Law Center Gets Something RIght

Fair is fair. Here's an excerpt from ELC's press release on Gov. Christie, which crowns him the "most anti-public education…

8 years ago

ELC Launches Lakewood Investigation

I believe we are doing the right thing. To be candid, our group is 100 percent transparent. It really blows…

12 years ago

Lakewood Update: Principal Says He Lied to Keep Kids with Disabilities In-District

Today’s story on Lakewood Public Schools in the Asbury Park Press concerns a blind and deaf minority student with serious…

13 years ago