
Governor Murphy and DOE Announce Over $26 Million to Expand High-Quality Preschool in 27 School Districts

Governor Phil Murphy and the New Jersey Department of Education (DOE) announced yesterday that 27 school districts will receive Preschool…

2 years ago

Montclair Teachers Union Criticizes School Board’s ‘Incompetency” in Supporting LGBTQ-Inclusive Course Content

This is a statement from Stevana Sims and Brian Ford, a social worker and teacher at Montclair Public Schools. They…

2 years ago

Montclair Superintendent Surprises Everyone–Including the School Board–With 83 Staff Cuts

To the surprise of Montclair families, teachers, and support personnel, Superintendent Jonathan Ponds just announced that the district has issued…

2 years ago

LILLEY: NJEA Leaders Are Trying To Pretend COVID Learning Loss Didn’t Happen and That’s Hurting Kids

In an article entitled “In-Person Classes Boost Test Scores,” the Wall Street Journal reports that American students are scoring lower on reading and…

2 years ago

Montclair Politicos React To Take-Down of Teacher Union President/Montclair Mayor Sean Spiller

Today the Montclair Local has a piece on the community reaction to an op-ed posted in NJ Ed Report by…

3 years ago

This Is How Montclair Mayor/NJ State Teachers Union President Sean Spiller Was Humiliated at the Ballot Box

On Tuesday March 8th, voters in Montclair were for the first time given the opportunity to choose members of the…

3 years ago

How Do New Jersey Schools Rate Through an ‘Equity Lens’? Not As Well As You’d Think.

Education Trust, a nonprofit that works to close opportunity gaps that disproportionately affect students of color and students from low-income…

3 years ago

If You’re A Rich White Kid in NJ, Don’t Sweat Over Midterm Exams

There’s an emerging trend among New Jersey high schools: administrators are either canceling midterm exams or diluting their consequences in…

3 years ago

COMMENTARY: This Is What Murphy Is Getting Wrong About COVID and Schools

Here we go again. As the list of shuttered New Jersey school districts grows, Governor Phil Murphy remains on mute,…

3 years ago

BREAKING: Is Murphy’s Education Department in Cahoots with Urban Districts to Close Schools?

Back in March 2020 when New Jersey was being crushed by COVID cases, the State Legislature passed a bill that,…

3 years ago