Answer? Read my new column at WHYY’s Newsworks: With less than four weeks until New Jersey’s primary election for U.S. Senate, the latest Monmouth University
For a glimpse into Newark’s educational politics, Newark Teacher Union President Joseph Del Grosso barely squeaked out a victory in this week’s contentious battle for
Newark Superintendent Cami Anderson has an editorial in today’s Star-Ledger that provides a response to this week’s “no-confidence vote” from the district’s Advisory School Board.
EdWeek reports today that, according to a a new study, charter schools in Newark receive $15,973 per pupil, $10,000 less than Newark’s traditional public schools.
From Joseph Del Grosso, President of the Newark Teachers Union: Dear Senator Rice and Assemblywoman Wagner: I am writing to you about a serious problem
NJ Spotlight has been covering (here and here) the activities of a group of Newark parents who filed a civil rights complaint against Newark Public
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