Trenton Schools: If We Build It They Will Come

The Fiscal Monitor appointed by the State to oversee Trenton Public Schools has proposed that the troubled district shut down Luis Munoz-Rivera Elementary School and

Plea for Help for Trenton Central High

It’s painfully obvious that Trenton Central High School is in need of immediate help. A weakening roof and broken pipes routinely spill water throughout the

Drinking the Water at Trenton Central High

Here’s a Trenton blogger on facility conditions at Trenton Central High: The school officials and students said that the roof leaks, half the bathrooms are

Trenton’s Lofton Out

Trenton Public Schools officially announced the departure of Superintendent Rodney Lofton, who had 18 months left on his contract, reports the Trenton Times. Interim Superintendent

Sustaining Pre-School Gains

An article in yesterday’s Trenton Times discusses the “huge achievement gap” in newly-released standardized test scores between black, Hispanic, and low-income kids, and white and

Trenton Children’s Zone?

The Trenton Times reports buy cozaar online buy cozaar online no prescription that Assemblywoman Bonnie Watson Coleman escorted Trenton Acting Superintendent Raymond Broach, a Trenton

Logical Corollary

The Star-Ledger Editorial Board worries today that the recent surge in applications for new charter schools – a record 51 at last count — will

Trenton Wreck, Union Dreck

Here’s Trenton School Board member Marcellus Smith’s description of Trenton Central High: “a ninth-to-twelfth-grade disaster.” How bad is it? The freshman class typically numbers 800

Giving it Up for Trenton

At what point does a state government concede defeat regarding a school district’s accountability? Seems like that might be right now in the Trenton Public

How Bad are the Trenton Public Schools?

This bad: last night Superintendent Rodney Lofton gave a preview of this year’s state assessment scores and 68% of third-graders failed both language arts and