Today the New Jersey State Board of Education’s Assessment Committee will meet with leaders of the NJ State Department of…
Laura McKenna is a New Jersey parent of two teenage boys, one currently studying at Rutgers University and the other…
FLORIDA GETS BETTER RESULTS AT LESS THAN HALF THE PRICE According to Governor Murphy, New Jersey public schools got the…
Since the beginning of New Jersey's chronic fiscal crisis in the early-2000s, there's been an unending argument over raising taxes…
Randal Pinkett, a Newark businessman and the first African-American student from Rutgers to win a Rhodes Scholarship, has a bone…
I’m awfully hard on Education Law Center so it is with pleasure that I salute Executive Director David Sciarra’s candor…
Last Fall the New Jersey Department of Education offered "Start Strong" assessments to all school districts. The DOE described these…
This is a statement from New Jersey Education Association President Marie Blistan regarding Gov. Phil Murphy's announcement on Monday that…